It always baffles me as to why some people choose ministries that are based in emotions and entertainment versus sound doctrine and true worship. Don’t get me wrong, I love to celebrate and worship God with all of the bells, bass and whistles…but when the music stops learning must start. Sadly, and even among many young people, there is this tendency to shun learning about God or what they believe and why…they want to experience or “feel God” only (External Stimulation of the flesh)….after all, If I don’t feel you are preaching then that cant be the place for me…I believe historically when illiteracy of scripture was high, there was a tendency to rely on what was said and how it was said versus what was “read” in context (Which is a deeper issue that still has some tentacles in the urban experience). But if you don’t know Him through His Word, how can your feelings be accurate? Truthfully, emotions are “very” misleading, they lead you to connect to the wrong people or disconnect from the right ones. You will value being entertained in church by the “over the top” actions of those in the pulpit or pew because thats what you are familiar with versus knowing and valuing the truth of God’s word. In many cases, when truth stands contrary to what you “grew up in”, there is a choice that needs to be made and here is why; Often times when those set of beliefs are challenged with truth, the one who’s being confronted makes a decision to go with their man made belief system/tradition and choose places of worship despite what scripture says about its false nature… In contrast, those that are tired of the same “amen corner” same dances and shouts without manifestation SEEK the truth of God and affirm the inspiration of Gods Word. They will search the scriptures like the Bereans and employ a “trust but verify mindset” to stay as close to Biblical truth as possible. These people will not treat the Word of God as an opinion or interpretation and they will find a ministry that will feed them with knowledge and truth even if it goes against the traditions or feelings of the day. I’m not saying go to a boring place that reads cover to cover :). I am saying that it is imperative that we allow God to crucify our flesh daily…and that only can happen with sound doctrine and a love for His word are held HIGH above ones “Feelings”. #letGodbetrue #Truechangeisbyfaithnotemotions
Feelings Some Kind of Way can Lead You Astray.